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Expository Comissioner :


Between 2008 and 2011: At the Parisian Gallery, Paris 11th


Since 2017: in different Parisian places in co-curation with Catherine Poulain


  • The first NAO exhibition entitled "This is NAO" took place in November 2017 at the Génie d'Alex , pont Alexandre III; a cultural and ephemeral place imagined by Plateau Urbain in the old space which housed the Showcase.


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


  • Event for the two years of NAO in the form of an exhibition of objects from performances carried out in the street. Paintings, Installations, photographs, video projections, as well as various interventions:

The two years of NAO with Paul Ardenne, NAO The two years on October 24, 2019,

Speech by Paul Ardenne for the two years of NAO:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Event "One year NAO Gilet Jaune Champagne for all" with JB Trendy and I am Fez La vie en rose at the Cave d'Edouard (Champagnes Edouard Martin) launch of the special NAO vintage, Paris 18th, nov 2019


NAO . is a collective of multidisciplinary artists initiated in 2017 by Alexis Denuy , created in collaboration with Catherine Poulain to which is added over the events of many unique artists, bringing together contemporary art, urban arts, outsider art, crafts and produces events such as collective exhibitions of paintings, drawings, textiles, photographs, installations, as well as performances, projections, conferences, a variety of mediums for a temporary nomadic place of creation, here and now; NAO, collective, whose configuration varies according to the spirit of the device

NAO is a laboratory, a large workshop formed over the course of meetings with the public, which forges strong and subtle links with living things and builds bridges to the future. Through a tunnel of research like a vortex leading to the heart of creation.


Presentation by Paul Ardenne, Critic and Historian of Contemporary Art:

January 2019 “These are visual artists who intervene directly in the events by creating adapted works of art. We are really at street level, it is the creation of a new aesthetic and activist dimension of the event. The artists of NAO in struggle asserting their support for a social movement ”

October 2019 “I find that very good because they initiated something very isolated in the world of contemporary art, it would be an aesthetic or a visual poetics of yellow vests. I was interested in the visual arts in the political question, in the forms and the evolutions of the engagement. We see how when we engage in a systemic way, we have to accept a part of the system with which we do not necessarily agree.

The last evolution, the one to which you belong, born in the twentieth century, is Contextual Art, that is to say the artist reacts to events in a logically improvised way from a reality that can be unorganized, compulsive, even chaotic. The yellow vests will matter historically for many complex reasons. Contextual artists, there are some before you, there will be some after you, but you are those of the yellow vests movement. This allows us to see how an Art system in France could or could not find a creative sounding board in this movement of yellow vests.

And NAO are the almost unique representatives of the artists who intervened in the demonstrations. I wanted to see how, a very strongly institutionalized art like Contemporary Art in France which is an art which is conditioned through a system, could remain totally impermeable to the real, to the most immediate real whereas most artists in this same system claim to speak only of the real. I thank the NAO outsider artists. We see a certain loneliness in terms of the representation of artists in connection with social reality. "


Presentation by Fred Forest, Founder of Sociological Digital Art:

In July 2018, about the action in the form of a performance The artists of July 14 “Rigor, invention, charm, everything is there”. He proposed to NAO to carry his word and to represent him at La Colonie during the Meeting yellow vests in March 2019 “We are obliged to re-enchant the world, to reinvent it instead of contributing to its repetition. The visual artists that we are, must impose an ethic in art. I have accomplished my work, social, political and artistic, it is now up to you to continue it ”.

In October 2019, Fred Forest renewed his vows "for full success in your battles so close to mine and for the continuation of your commitments". In January 2020 “I would like to point out at my opening the presence of artists from the NAO collective who are taking up the torch for more ethics in art, which reassures me about the maintenance and validity of these ideas and their amplification in the future. . Their commitment is exemplary! and I am very sensitive to their unfailing loyalty ”



Alexis Denuy au Génie d'Alex, pont Alexandre III devant ses peintures, retranscrites au dessus en tapisseries par Françoise Bacquet.

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